Highly Efficient LED Lightning

NEOS LED Lighting provides significant energy savings and reduced maintenance costs, making it a cost-effective and sustainable lighting solution for businesses and homes.

Battery Fields

NEOS battery fields provide reliable energy storage solutions, enabling efficient management of electricity supply, peak shaving,
and grid stabilization, ensuring a more resilient and sustainable power infrastructure.

Solar Solutions

NEOS solar solutions offer substantial savings
by harnessing the power of the sun to generate clean and renewable energy, reducing reliance on traditional electricity sources and lowering utility bills.

Public lightning modernization

NEOS Public Lighting Modernization brings cutting-edge technology and intelligent lighting solutions to public spaces, enhancing safety, reducing energy consumption, and optimizing maintenance, while creating a more visually appealing and sustainable urban environment.


NEOS offers flexible financing options, enabling businesses and individuals to easily access and implement their innovative energy solutions, making sustainable investments more accessible and cost-effective.

Energy Consulting

NEOS provides expert guidance and strategic insights to businesses, helping them optimize their energy usage, identify cost-saving opportunities, and transition to more sustainable and efficient energy practices.


Energy efficiency projects in buildings aim to reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and minimize environmental impact through various measures such as improved insulation, efficient lighting systems, smart HVAC controls, and renewable energy integration.